Welcome to #InsightswithIvanna, a weekly broadcast designed to help you identify, embrace and live more fully in your genius by illuminating important pieces of information you already possess.
Limiting Beliefs:
Where do they come from? How can you overcome?
Join me for #InsightswithIvanna to discover YOUR answers.
If you are interested in knowing more about becoming the golden version of you, contact me at MyLuminaryInsights.com
#MyLuminaryInsights #WomenWhoShine #LimitingBeliefs #WheelofLife #Origins
With love and light,
YouTube channel for all previous broadcasts: tinyurl.com/MyLuminaryVideos
Wheel of Life https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xflmpsF9FHbUnv08_kqtIIBJMtHOtVLjD1s4SONLKZg/copy
Download this simple effective meditation to embark on a journey and Awaken Your Genius. Your genius is the part of you that has been there since birth, but it may have been hidden by the pressures of everyday life, cultural expectations or even your own self-doubts.