Welcome to #InsightswithIvanna, a weekly broadcast designed to help you identify, embrace and live more fully in your genius by illuminating important pieces of information you already possess.
Limiting Beliefs: What parts of your life are most impacted by them? What can you do to overcome them?
Join me for #InsightswithIvanna to discover YOUR answers.
If you are interested in knowing more about becoming the golden version of you, contact me at MyLuminaryInsights.com
#MyLuminaryInsights #WomenWhoShine #LimitingBeliefs #WheelofLife
With love and light,
YouTube channel for all previous broadcasts: tinyurl.com/MyLuminaryVideos
Wheel of Life https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xflmpsF9FHbUnv08_kqtIIBJMtHOtVLjD1s4SONLKZg/copy