Welcome to #InsightswithIvanna, a weekly broadcast designed to help you identify, embrace and live more fully in your genius by illuminating important pieces of information you already possess.
What if you entered 2022 already a stronger, better version of yourself, with habits in place and the whole year ahead of you to change your world, even the world, for the good? Join me for #InsightswithIvanna – Illuminate Your New Year: Illuminate Your 4EVER to learn how!!
In this episode we’ll explore how you can Embrace your genius by identifying the difference between your zone of excellence and your zone of Genius.
If you found today’s episode entertaining and educational make sure to share this with a friend. If you would like to know more about identifying and embracing your Genius, fill out the form at https://myluminaryinsights.com/call/ and let’s set up a call!
With love and light,